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A Complete Guide on Retirement Planning

A Complete Guide on Retirement Planning

Currently, you are gaining a fair income and you might have a good standard of living. Assume that you have not received your salary for one month only? What will happen? You need to adjust according to the money available, you might need to reduce your wants and needs to make use of your savings. We have considered the scenario for one month only. Think about how life will be when you stop receiving your regular income? Don’t worry, we are not here to give you stress in your easy-going life, rather we are here to tell you the importance of retirement planning.

In this blog, we have explained each aspect of retirement planning like, What is retirement planning? Importance of retirement planning? Why retirement planning? The right time to start retirement planning, types of retirement plan, steps in retirement planning and retirement investments, etc. We have also covered 401k pension plan, IRA pension plans.

What is retirement planning?

Retirement planning means preparing today for your future life so that you continue to meet all your goals and dreams independently after you retire from your work. This includes setting your retirement goals, estimating the amount of money you will need, investing to grow your retirement savings, identifying sources of income, sizing up expenses, implementing a savings program, and managing assets and risk. In short, retirement planning is the planning that one does to be prepared for life after paid work ends, not just financially but in all aspects of life. In the early years of a person’s working life, retirement planning is about keeping aside enough money for retirement. It means during the direct earning phase of life, setting some asset goals for the future. Once you reach retirement age, it will be the time of collecting your assets and distributing them. Having planned retirement long before your retirement, you will not be paying in instead, your decades of saving will pay out after your retirement.

Importance of retirement planning

Many people do not consider retirement planning an essential part of life but it is a very important and indispensable component. You retire from your official work, not from life. You may have dreams for your post-retirement life that you couldn’t complete because of the busy schedule. After retirement, you may also want to maintain your day-to-day lifestyle without worrying about expenses.

If you plan your retirement earlier, you can define the path to achieve these life goals without any financial dependence. Retirement planning is not a short-term process rather it is a lifelong process. Every retirement plan is unique as every person may have very specific ideas on how they want to spend their retired life. Therefore, it is important to have a plan that is designed specifically to suit your individual needs.

Why retirement planning?

You are working hard and building a life full of dreams, achievements, and happiness for yourself and your family. While doing so you might have compromised some of your dreams like spending more quality time with your loved ones or traveling the world. You may also have commitments like your child’s higher education or wedding. With good future planning, you can surely fulfill your wishes while maintaining your financial independence. One of the main aspects of future planning is ‘retirement planning’. The government has stopped giving pensions to its employees, therefore, Retirement planning has become crucial for everyone.

To be prepared for longer life

No one wants to die earlier. Keeping that in mind and considering higher life expectancy, you need to save a lot more for your post-retirement expenses. By having the right retirement plan in advance, you can make all the arrangements for a longer post-retirement income. Also, you don't have to depend on anyone in the future for medical expenses.

To be emergency-ready

By having the right retirement plan, you can build an emergency fund that will keep you prepared for unexpected events.

To fulfill retirement goals

Retirement is a new inning of everyone’s life. It is that point in life where you have the time to fulfill goals like traveling to new places, picking up a new hobby, or even starting your venture. You may also have commitments to fulfill like sending your child abroad for higher studies. You can secure all these dreams by planning your retirement.

To leave a legacy

The whole life you have worked hard to build a life of comfort for your family. By planning your retirement, you can plan to leave wealth behind for your family and ensure this comfort lasts for years to come, even in your absence.

To maintain the standard of living

After living a comfortable life for so many years it becomes really difficult to degrade that standard of living. To continue your comfortable life even after retirement you must plan your retirement. Today, your expenses are covered by your monthly income. After retirement, you can plan to get a regular income to cover your daily expenses.

To fight inflation

The inflation rate is increasing day by day. This could affect your standard of living. The thing which you buy for Rs. 500 today will probably cost more tomorrow. By planning for retirement in advance you can invest in advance and grow your money.

The right time to start retirement planning

The sooner you plan your retirement the better benefits you will get after retirement. Youth in their 20s might not worry about retirement but starting early does give a benefit. You should start retirement planning long before you retire. Until your early 50s, you should focus on investing and building your corpus.

Types of retirement plans

Depending on your requirements, you can select from various types of retirement plans:

Retirement Savings plans & Retirement Annuity plans

With these plans, your money grows over the years before retirement. With these plans, you can invest regularly to build your retirement fund.

Employer-Sponsored Plans

Young adults can take advantage of employer-sponsored 401(k) or 403(b) plans. These qualified retirement plans give the benefit that your employer has the option to match what you invest, up to a certain amount. The 401k plans let you earn a higher rate of return than a savings account. The amount within the account is not subject to income tax until you withdraw them.

Roth IRAs

This is a tax-advantaged retirement savings account that includes the traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and the Roth IRA. As it is funded with post-tax dollars, a Roth IRA can be an excellent plan for young adults. This plan eliminates the immediate tax deduction but avoids a bigger income tax bite when the money is withdrawn at retirement. In an IRA plan the longer the money sits in a retirement account, the more tax-free interest is earned.

Steps in retirement planning

Start as early as possible

Time is the main asset when it comes to retirement planning. The more time you have for your savings the better you can grow your money, and the more goals you can fulfill.

Invest first, spend later

Maintain your investing discipline and control your expenses. Schedule your investment as soon as you get your monthly income.

Pay off costly debts first

If you have high-interest debt, then while planning your retirement you can direct your savings towards paying off that debt first. This way you will be secure and worry-free from liabilities.

Keep paperwork ready and involve family

If you want to keep your family aware of all the important paperwork and financial details then keep all your paperwork handy during emergencies and unfortunate events.

Choose the right partner

When it comes to your hard-earned money. It is important to work with trusted brands. This can ensure your money is in safe hands. Having money in safe hands leads to ensured life comfort.

Set automatic transfers

By setting up automatic bank transfers you can avoid any delays or misses in investing each month and make investment easy for yourself.

Set up annuities

You can rely on annuity plans for guaranteed lifelong income to secure your post-retirement income.

Check for tax efficiency

When you choose an investment option, you may want to check on how the returns will be taxed.

Retirement investments

Many financial organizations provide investment options that can help you save better for retirement. While investing, giving your money to safe hands is crucial. Therefore, choose the planning partner wisely. Some plans offer you the power to grow your money. There are retirement plans that are designed by insurance providers to ensure a guaranteed regular income for life. Some of the investment plans are:

  • Regular income after retirement.

  • Guaranteed lifelong income.

  • Safe and secure investment.

  • Customizable as per your needs.

  • Tax benefits on investments.

To conclude, retirement planning is a crucial part of your life. Underestimating and ignoring retirement planning may lead you to uncomfortable living in your old age. Start retirement planning as early as you can on whatever method that you, and possibly use a financial planner to calculate your retirement savings needs. Choose a better retirement plan according to your post-retirement requirements. If needed you can take advice from financial advisors. If you fail to plan your retirement you may have to adjust and degrade your lifestyle and standard of living.

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